New Deutz Fahr C9306 TS Combine
New Deutz Fahr C9306 TS Combine
6 straw walker
9 meter header width
6 bar reel with hydraulic reel height adjustment
Header fitted with auto contour following
Hydraulic header height adjustment between -300mm to + 1,370mm
600mm threshing drum with 8 threshing bars
15 bar concave with electric concave adjustment
Electric straw walker adjustment
High performance cross flow fan
Tailings control system with electric control of returns
10,500 litre tank capacity
120 lt/sec discharge speed
Visual and audible grain tank level
Grain sampling from the cab
Hydrostatic 4 speed transmission
For more information please contact our sales team below
Eric Tel 07836 630558
Callum Tel 07946335030
Tom Tel 07538 390091